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  1. Sakurai, Y., Saruta, S., & Cheng, W. (2023). Mixed methods study on foreign early career academics' sense of knowledge and intellectual development. Higher Education Quarterly

  2. Sakurai, Y., Ishikura, Y., Nakano, R., Nabeshima, Y., Sengoku, Y., Okada, A., & Kondo, S. (2023). University Administrators’ Visions for the Recovery of International Student Exchange in a Post–COVID-19 World. Higher Learning Research Communications, 13 (1).

  3. Sakurai, Y. & Mason, S. (2023). Work environment factors affecting foreign early-career researchers’ Intention to stay, sense of belonging, and stress. Asia Pacific Journal of Education (Journal Impact Factor 2022-2023 1.478) [ACCEPTED VERSION]

  4. Sakurai, Y. & Mason, S. (2022). Foreign early career academics’ well‑being profiles at workplaces in Japan: a person‑oriented approach. Higher Education. (Journal Impact Factor 2022-2023 3.947). [ACCEPTED VERSION]

  5. Sakurai, Y. (2022). Engagement in continuing subject knowledge development: A year after short-term international coursesJournal of Studies in International Education, 26(4), 493–510 (Journal Impact Factor 2018: 2.547) [ACCEPTED VERSION]

  6. Sakurai, Y., Shimauchi, S., Shimmi, Y., Amaki, Y*., Hanada, S*., & Elliot, D.L. (*equal contribution) (2021) Competing meanings of international experiences for early-career researchers: A collaborative autoethnographic approachHigher Education Research and Development (Journal Impact Factor 2021-2022:

  7. Sakurai, Y. and Pyhältö, K. (2021), Disciplinary differences in doctoral student engagement in generic skills learning, Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, 12(2), 230-246. [ACCEPTED VERSION]

  8. Mason, S. and Sakurai, Y. (2021). A ResearchGate-way to an international academic community? Scientometrics. (Journal Impact Factor: 2.770), 126, 1149–1171.

  9. Sakurai, Y. (2019). Students’ perceptions of the impacts of short-term international courses. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning. doi: 10.1108/JRIT-10-2017-0026 [RESEARCH IN BRIEF (IN JAPANESE)]

  10. Sakurai, Y., Vekkaila, J., & Pyhältö, K. (2017). More or less engaged in doctoral studies? Domestic and international students' satisfaction and motivation for doctoral studies in Finland. Research in Comparative and International Education (Journal Impact Factor 2018: 1.765), 12(2), 143-159. doi: 10.1177/1745499917711543 [ACCEPTED VERSION]

  11. 櫻井勇介 (Sakurai, Y). (2017). 日本語教育研究の統計結果の妥当性と信頼性を検討する―学会誌『日本語教育』を対象に―. [Examining the Reliability and Validity of Statistical Results Reported in Japanese Language Education Research]. 日本語・日本学研究 [Journal of Japanese Studies], 7, 1-17. (in Japanese)

  12. Sakurai, Y., Parpala, A., Pyhältö, K., & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. (2016). Engagement in learning: a comparison between Asian and European international university students. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education (Journal Impact Factor: 1.765), 46(1), 24-47. doi: 10.1080/03057925.2013.866837

  13. Boeren, E., Lokhtina-Antoniou, I., Sakurai, Y., Herman, C., & McAlpine, L. (2015). Mentoring: A review of early career researcher studies. Frontline Learning Research, 3(3), 64-76. doi: 10.14786/flr.v3i3.186

  14. Sakurai, Y., Pyhältö, K., & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. (2014). Are Chinese university students more likely to exhibit a Surface approach to learning than the other international students in Finland? Journal of Research in International Education, 13(2). 135-148. doi: 10.1177/1475240914540119

  15. Sakurai, Y., Pyhältö, K., & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. (2012). Factors affecting international doctoral students' academic engagement, satisfaction with their studies, and dropping out. International Journal for Researcher Development, 3(2), 99-117. doi: 10.1108/17597511311316964

  16. 櫻井勇介 (Sakurai, Y). (2012a). 母語話者教員と非母語話者教員に対する学習者の「よい教師」像―エジプト人日本語学習者の場合 [Native and non-native "good teachers" for Egyptian learners of Japanese language]. 日本語・日本学研究 [Journal of Japanese Studies], 2, 17-32. (in Japanese)

  17. Sakurai, Y. (2012b). Learners' perceptions on "good" foreign language teachers: Quantitative analysis between native and non-native teachers. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 9(1), 46-66.

  18. Sakurai, Y. (2009a). Academic experiences in a cross-national tertiary program: Language immersion amid the sciences. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 21(2), 239-247.

  19. 櫻井勇介 (Sakurai, Y). (2009b). 理工系日本留学課程で学ぶマレーシア人学生の学習管理過程--言語管理理論の援用による分析 [Study management processes by Malaysian students in Japanese science and engineering tertiary courses: case study from the perspective of the language management framework]. 留学生教育 [Journal of International Students Education], 14(14) 73-81. (Japanese)



  1. Sakurai, Y., *Han, J., & *Zhang, X. (2023). Mapping the Learning Opportunities of the Hidden Curriculum for International Doctoral Scholars in Japan. In Developing Researcher Independence Through the Hidden Curriculum (pp. 31-40). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (*equal contribution)

  2. Mason, S. and Sakurai, Y. (2022), "Moving in and Coming Home: Insights from Two Early Career Researchers in Japan", Nachatar Singh, J.K. (Ed.) Academic Mobility and International Academics (Surviving and Thriving in Academia), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 129-145.

  3. Sakurai, Y., Ishimatsu, J., & Ito, M. (2020). Using text mining in a diary study unpacking students’ engagement in a short-term international course. In E. Braun, R. Esterhazy, & R. Kordts-Freudinger (Eds.), Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (pp. 163-175). Münster: Waxmann.

  4. Sakurai, Y., Virtanen, V., Vekkaila, J., & Pyhältö, K. (2018). International doctoral students' perceptions of factors contributing to their career visions. In V. Korhonen & P. Alenius (Eds.), Internationalisation and Transnationalisation in Higher Education (pp. 279-302). Bern: Peter Lang Group Publishing. 【博士課程留学生のキャリアビジョンに関与する諸要因】

  5. Sakurai, Y. & Pyhältö, K. (2018). Understanding Students’ Academic Engagement in Learning amid Globalising Universities. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2017 (Vol. 34, pp. 31-38): Emerald Publishing, Ltd. doi: 10.1108/S1479-367920180000034003 [ACCEPTED VERSION] 【国際化する大学における学生の学びへの関与】


  1. Yonezawa, A., Kitamura, Y., Ogisu, T., Sakurai, Y., Shimauchi, S., Jung, J., ... & Breaden, J. (2023). Creating Educational Research as International Knowledge: Fostering early-career educational researchers through international networking. Educational Studies in Japan, 17, 131-135.

  2. 伊藤みちる, 櫻井勇介, 石松純, 工藤理恵 (2020) 異なる出身国のアジア人大学生群は短期国際授業において異なる学習経験をするのか 「人間生活文化研究 2019年度研究実施報告書」(in Japanese)

  3. 2020 日本社会では「日本語教師」についてどのような認識が持たれているのだろうか お茶の水女子大学「異文化間コミュニケーション演習」(博士前期課程)の研究報告論文 (in Japanese)

  4. 2012 卒業生のケーススタディーと10年越しの謝恩会, 『日本研究教育年報』, 東京外国語大学, pp. 101-105. (in Japanese)

  5. 2007 JADプログラムにおける接触場面をめぐって―学生の学術活動を中心に―, 『JAD活動報告書 2007』, Japanese Associate Degree Program, Malaysia, pp 83-92. (in Japanese)

  6. 2007 成人学習としての教師成長の機会の一考察-JAD勉強会の活動報告を兼ねて-, 『JAD活動報告書 2007』, Japanese Associate Degree Program, Malaysia, pp 106-115.

  7. 2004 Kanji learning strategies by Chinese background learners. Melbourne: Monash University. (in Japanese)





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