Project Title: Doctoral students’ experiences and perceptions of their academic development
研究倫理審査番号 HR-ES-001389, 広島大学
Research Ethics Review Number HR-ES-001389, Hiroshima University
Explanatory Statement for Participation in a Research Interview
本調査の責任者(櫻井勇介 広島大学教育学習支援センター・高等教育研究開発センター)の研究チームは、本学の博士課程後期で学ぶ学生の能力開発経験とその意識を明らかにするための研究プロジェクトを開始しました。以下の通り研究の趣旨をご理解いただきご協力くださいますよう、お願い申し上げます。
The principal researcher, Yusuke SAKURAI (Hiroshima University, Center for Academic Practice and Resources & Research Institute of Higher Education) and his research team requests your consent for participation in an interview for a study to unpack doctoral students’ development experiences at Hiroshima University. This Explanatory Statement explains about the project.
This project is designed to solicit contributions from doctoral students at Hiroshima University. Interview questions will ask about doctoral students’ development experience and career prospects. The interview will be carried out by the principal researcher in either/both Japanese or/and English and take about 45-75 minutes. Please read this Explanatory Statement before agreeing to an interview.
Participation in this study is completely voluntary. Please be aware that even if you have decided to participate, you may stop participating at any time and decide not to answer any specific question(s). There are minimum risks associated with participating in this research, which means those equal to the ones experienced in everyday life. Some of the questions are about personal challenging experiences in one’s studies and might cause discomfort when recalling and talking about them.
The audio-recorded interview data will be stored solely in a password-protected computer located at principal researcher’s office, Hiroshima University. Any raw audio materials generated in this project are accessible only by the principal researcher. Co-researchers have access to the excerpts of anonymised transcripts. The audio recorded data files will be deleted immediately after the project ends. All the transcripts will be stored in 10 year-time after the project. Research outcomes will be made in the formats of oral presentations and scholarly journal publications. Some excerpts of interview transcripts will be presented, but the researchers will maintain the confidentiality of the research records or data by changing participants’ names and disguising any details which may reveal their identity or the identity of people the participants speak about. If you want to discuss any concerns about this survey that you do not want the project members to know, please contact the Research Ethics Committee of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/gshs/research-ethics). You will not face any disadvantages as a result of this inquiry.
If you agree to participate, please sign in the spaces provided on the Consent Form before having an interview (will be signed online or during the interview). Please feel free to contact the principal researcher by e-mail if you have any questions about the interview during anytime you desire. If you have any concerns about this study that you do not want to share with the project members, please contact the Research Ethics Committee of the Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hiroshima University (https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/gshs/research-ethics). Submitting any concerns regarding this survey or project will not lead to any disadvantages for you.
As a reward for your participation, you will receive a 1500-yen Amazon gift card.
研究責任者 櫻井勇介
広島大学 教育学習支援センター & 高等教育研究開発センター
Principle researcher: Yusuke SAKURAI, PhD.
Hiroshima University, Center for Academic Practice and Resources & Research Institute of Higher Education
Email: sakurai@hiroshima-u.ac.jp