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Image by Marcos Luiz Photograph


  • Sakurai, Y. The EARLI SIG4 Conference, Long-term impacts of short-term international courses on university students' academic engagement. Giessen, Germany, 2018, 29-31 August. (Refereed) 【大学での学びへの関与に影響する短期国際プログラムの長期的インパクト】

  • Sakurai, Y. & Pyhältö, K. The EARLI SIG4 Conference, Disciplinary differences in doctoral students’ perception of generic skills learning. Giessen, Germany, 2018, 29-31 August. (Refereed) 【分野により異なる博士課程学生の汎用スキル学習経験の認識】

  • Sakurai, Y. & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. The EARLI SIG 4 Higher Education Conference, International Students’ Evaluations of their Study-Abroad Experiences: A Survey of Bachelor’s and Master’s Students, Tallinn, Estonia, 2012, August. 【留学経験の評価:学士と修士課程の学生への調査】

  • Sakurai Y., Han J. & Zhang X. (February 3-4, 2024). Leveraging Unstructured Opportunities: Complementing Academic Skills Through the Hidden Curriculum. Paper presented at Changes in the Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society and International Comparison, Hiroshima, Japan. 

  • 2017 Invited Talk at "UT-KTH workshop on Education": "Impacts of short-term study abroad experiences on university students' learning", School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, March 8.

  • 2015 Research seminar: "Understanding factors contributing to the academic engagement", Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, March.

  • 2015 Seminar: A brief introduction to the Centre for Research and Development of Higher Education., University of Helsinki. October. (in Japanese)

  • 2011 国際交流基金日本語専門家 活動報告会, 『カイロ大学-エジプト 派遣終了に向けた活動の報告』, Tokyo, Japan Foundation, November. (in Japanese)

Yusuke SAKURAI, PhD 櫻井勇介

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Hiroshima University

Center for Academic Practice and Resource/Research Institute of Higher Education

1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Japan 739-8511, Japan

〒739-8514 東広島市鏡山一丁目7番1号

©2022 by Yusuke SAKURAI, PhD.

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