Sakurai, Y., Cheng, W & Saruta, S. (November 24-26, 2023). Factors affecting foreign early career academics’ sense of knowledge and intellectual development: Mixed-methods study. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA) Conference, Hiroshima, Japan (Refereed).
Sakurai, Y. (August 20-26, 2023). Foreign early career academics’ well-being profiles at workplaces: A person-oriented approach, Paper presented at The Biennial EARLI Conference - Thessaloniki, Greece (Refereed).
Sakurai, Y., Saruta, S., & Cheng, W. (June 13-14, 2023). Mixed methods study on foreign early career academics’ sense of knowledge and intellectual development, Paper presented at the HERA 2023 Conference, Hiroshima, Japan (Refereed).
Sakurai, Y., (March 27-31, 2022). Envisioning the recovery phase of international exchange amid COVID-19: “Wicked problem” in international higher education. Paper presented at the APAIE 2022 Conference and Exhibition, Virtual (Refereed).
Sakurai, Y., Shimauchi, S., Shimmi, Y, Amaki, Y. & Hanada, S., & Elliot, D. (25-26 September 2021). Double edged sword of international mobility experiences for early career researchers. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA) Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal (Online). (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y., Shimauchi, S., Shimmi, Y, Amaki, Y. & Hanada, S., & Elliot, D. (4-6th authors contributed to the paper equally) (23-27 August 2021). Competing meanings of international experiences for researchers: Collaborative autoethnography [若手研究者にとっての競合する国際経験の意味:協働的オートエスノグラフィーのアプローチを用いて]. Paper presented at The 19th Biennial EARLI Conference - Online, Sweden. (Refereed)
櫻井勇介, 嶋内佐絵, 天木勇樹, 新見有紀子 & 花田真吾 [Sakurai, Y., Shimauchi, S., Amaki, Y., Shimmi, Y. & Hanada, S.] (同等の貢献 Equal contribution) (2020, September 19-20) 若手大学教員が持つ自身の国際 経験の意味-協働オートエスノ グラフィー― [The meanings of international experiences for early-career researchers: A collaborative autoethnographic approach]. Paper presented at the Japan Association for International Student Education, Online, Japan. (in Japanese)
Sakurai, Y., Shimauchi, S., Hanada, S., Amaki, Y., & Shimmi, Y. (Equal contribution) (2019, August 5-8). Preliminary findings on the meaning of international experience for the career development of early-career researchers: A collaborative autoethnographic approach [若手研究者のキャリア開発における国際経験の意味についての暫定的調査結果:協働的オートエスノグラフィーのアプローチを用いて]. Paper presented at the World Education Research Association Focal Meeting, Tokyo, Japan. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y. (2019, August 12-16). Impact of short-term international experiences on university students’ academic engagement: One year later [短期国際研修授業の大学生学業エンゲージメントへの長期的インパクト:帰国1年後に注目して]. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) Conference, . RWTH Aachen University, Germany. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y. (2018, August 3-5). The long-term impacts of short-term international courses on students’ perceptions of their personal growth. [短期国際研修授業による人間的成長への長期的インパクトに関する学生の認識]. Paper presented at the World Education Research Association Focal Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y. (2018, August 3-5). Do doctoral students in particular faculties engage in generic skills learning more than others? [特定の学部の博士課程の学生は汎用スキルの学習経験により関与しているのか]. Paper presented at the World Education Research Association Focal Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y. (2017, November 30 - December 2). Learning outcomes of short-term study abroad courses and longitudinal impacts on students: Case study [短期国際研修授業の学習成果と学生への長期的インパクトに関するケーススタディー]. Paper presented at the World Education Research Association Focal Meeting, Hong Kong. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y., Virtanen, V., Vekkaila, J., & Pyhältö, K. (2017, July 27 - August 2). International doctoral students’ perceptions of factors contributing to their career visions [博士課程留学生のキャリアビジョンに関与する諸要因]. Paper presented at the 17th European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y. (2017, July 26-27). 短期海外研修授業の成果と履修者の学びへの長期的影響:再現性検証とケーススタディー. 日本教育学会, Tokyo, Japan. (in Japanese)
Sakurai, Y., Virtanen, V., Pyhältö, K., Lindblom, S., The Higher Education Conference: The Scholarship of Learning, Teaching, and Organizing, Relationship between International doctoral students’ engagement in doctoral studies and their career visions. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2016, 13-15, July. (Refereed) 【博士課程の留学生の学業エンゲージメントと彼らのキャリアビジョンの関係】
Sakurai, Y., Virtanen, V., Pyhältö, K., & Lindblom, S., 日本高等教育学会, 博士課程留学生の学業エンゲージメントとキャリア志向の関わり―フィンランドの生物学分野に焦点を当てて―, Tokyo, Japan, 2016, 25-26, June. (in Japanese)
Sakurai, Y., Irina Lokhtina Antoniou, Chaya Herman, Ellen Boeren & Lynn McAlpine, 16th European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Mentoring: a review of early career researcher studies, Limassol, Cyprus, 2015 August 25-29. (Refereed) 【メンタリング:若手研究者に関する研究のシステマティックレビュー】
Sakurai, Y., Vekkaila, J., & Pyhältö, K. 16th European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Domestic and international students’ emotional engagement in, and motivation for, doctoral studies, Limassol, Cyprus, 2015 August 25-29. (Refereed) 【博士課程における現地人学生と留学生の学業エンゲージメントと学業への動機】
Sakurai, Y., Vekkaila, J., & Pyhältö, K. 日本高等教育学会, 学生が博士課程を始めた動機と彼らの学業満足度の関わり―個人志向統計的アプローチによるフィンランドの現地学生と留学生の分類とその比較― [Doctoral students' motivation for starting their PhD and academic satisfaction -Comparison between domestic and international students in Finland by a person-oriented statistical approach-] Tokyo, Japan, 2015, 27-28, June. (in Japanese)
Sakurai, Y., Virtanen, V., Pyhältö, K., & Lindblom, S., The EARLI SIG4 & SIG17 Conference, The International students’ disengaging experiences from doctoral study in bioscience: Association with their professional future vision. [Slides] Leuven, Belguim, 2014, 20-22 August. (Refereed) 【生物学分野の博士課程留学生のディスエンゲージメント経験:将来のキャリアビジョンとの関わり】
Sakurai, Y., Virtanen, V., Pyhältö, K., & Sari Lindblom-Ylänne. The 17 the Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Higher Education Research, 博士課程に在籍する留学生の学業上のディスエンゲージメント経験と、彼らが描くキャリアビジョンのかかわり -フィンランドの大学の生物学分野の場合- Osaka, Japan, 2014, 28-29, June. (in Japanese)
Sakurai, Y., Anna Parpala, Kirsi Pyhältö & Sari Lindblom-Ylänne. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, International students’ approaches to learning, learning experiences and stress, Munich, Germany, 2013, 27-31 August. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y., Anna Parpala, Kirsi Pyhältö & Sari Lindblom-Ylänne. Chinese Students, Teachers and Scholars Abroad: Myths and Realities, Are Chinese students likely to exhibit a surface approach to learning as compared with other international students in Finland? Helsinki, Finland, 2013, 23-24 May. (Refereed)
櫻井勇介 2012 日本教育学会, 博士課程留学を通して研究者になるということ―オートエスノグラフィーの検討と筆者が見る大学の国際化の現状―, Nagoya, Japan, August. (in Japanese)
Sakurai, Y., Kirsi Pyhältö & Sari Lindblom-Ylänne. The EARLI SIG 4 Higher Education Conference, Factors Affecting International Doctoral Students’ Academic Progress, Satisfaction, and Dropping out, Tallinn, Estonia, 2012, August. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y., International Conference of Education (ICE), Academic Experiences of Malaysian Students in a Cross-national Tertiary Program in Malaysia: Language Immersion amid the Sciences, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, 2008, May. (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y., Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA), Writing in Japanese as a second language: Handwritten text and Computer written text, Melbourne, Australia, 2005, September. (Refereed) -
Sakurai, Y., Japanese Studies Association of Australia (JSAA), 日本語ワープロが作文に与える影響に関する研究 Adelaide, Australia, 2005, July, (Postgraduate Scholarship granted). (in Japanese) (Refereed)
Sakurai, Y. The EARLI SIG4 Conference, Long-term impacts of short-term international courses on university students' academic engagement. Giessen, Germany, 2018, 29-31 August. (Refereed) 【大学での学びへの関与に影響する短期国際プログラムの長期的インパクト】
Sakurai, Y. & Pyhältö, K. The EARLI SIG4 Conference, Disciplinary differences in doctoral students’ perception of generic skills learning. Giessen, Germany, 2018, 29-31 August. (Refereed) 【分野により異なる博士課程学生の汎用スキル学習経験の認識】
Sakurai, Y. & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. The EARLI SIG 4 Higher Education Conference, International Students’ Evaluations of their Study-Abroad Experiences: A Survey of Bachelor’s and Master’s Students, Tallinn, Estonia, 2012, August. 【留学経験の評価:学士と修士課程の学生への調査】
Sakurai Y., Han J. & Zhang X. (February 3-4, 2024). Leveraging Unstructured Opportunities: Complementing Academic Skills Through the Hidden Curriculum. Paper presented at Changes in the Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society and International Comparison, Hiroshima, Japan.
2017 Invited Talk at "UT-KTH workshop on Education": "Impacts of short-term study abroad experiences on university students' learning", School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, March 8.
2015 Research seminar: "Understanding factors contributing to the academic engagement", Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, March.
2015 Seminar: A brief introduction to the Centre for Research and Development of Higher Education., University of Helsinki. October. (in Japanese)
2011 国際交流基金日本語専門家 活動報告会, 『カイロ大学-エジプト 派遣終了に向けた活動の報告』, Tokyo, Japan Foundation, November. (in Japanese)