指導担当院生の程文娟さんが第27回 留学生教育学会・年次大会に参加し、研究発表を行いました!
発表のタイトルは以下の通りです: 「日本における博士学生の論文出版の言語選択とその動機づけ」
Ms. Wenjuan Cheng (Doctoral student) participated JAISE 2022 (27th Japan Association for International Student Education 2022 (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)).
The title of her presentation was: Doctoral Students’ Language Choice and Motivation of Publication in Japan.
It was her first oral presentation, and she did a great job! She demonstrated her excellent skills to exchange her opinions with the audience participants. Well done!
#studyabroad #education #international #graduate_student #university #conference_presentation #Japan